hi, i'm zemessai

she/her/he/him, 22

i am an artist based in new york. i am delighted to be living in the year 2009!

my work involves:
- digital illustration
- animation
- writing
- video

my art

here are some of my various digital artworks created on firealpaca and/or procreate!


here are my animated projects!

Channel 7 - Pilot

brain stew



about me

i am an artist based in new york.my work involves:
- illustration/drawing
- animation
- writing
- character design
- video editing/filming
~i have a fondness for
- messy art
- the nintendo gamecube
- pokémon
- 2000s/early-2010's internet
- music (namely alt rock)
- movie theaters
- holes (2003)
- taylor ham egg and cheese
- sunflower seeds
- five guys burgers and fries
- people who are against generative ai


this is my blog of sorts. i'll keep you posted.

cold harbor, the iron sea - 2/25/25

some time has passed since we've spoken.i'm not at my clearest right now, regrettably. the past few weeks have been eventful (understatement), and a learning experience (understatement). they've been full of art, too.i recently hit a slump in what feels like the first time in a while.
today was one of those days i had to yield to that feeling.
sometimes you aren't quite where you want to be.
but frankly, it doesn't always matter where you want to be.
it doesn't change where you are right now.
right now...
i am adrift in the iron sea.
one of my favorite albums is keane's debut album hopes and fears. it's got incredible songs like somewhere only we know (one of my favorite songs peiod), everybody's changing, and your eyes open. it's really a gorgeous collection of music that perfectly encapsulates my favorite kind of sound. there's some kind of cold and grey moodiness that early/mid-2000s alt rock understood perfectly. that sound is precisely why coldplay is my favorite band, and keane is another group that excells in that energy.it's a wonder why i hadn't listened to their second album sooner.today i listened to keane's second album under the iron sea.
i am utterly moved. though i can't say i'm surprised.
it's frustrating- i can't kick myself for taking so long to get around to listening to music because it always feels like i'm hearing it exactly when i'm supposed to hear it. i couldn't have imagined a better day for this album to find me.
i need to listen to the album some more to give you my favorite tracks, but one has stood out tall and has been circling my brain for the past six hours:track #8 - the iron seait is an instrumental track (their first, i'm unsure if it's their last).
it is nothing short of beautiful.
it is cold, haunting, icy, tragic, and utterly electric.
it feels like a cold wind whipping through my bones.
i want to stay in this place as long as possible.
there's something deep in this ocean that i am meant to find.
i'll have to let you know when i do.
- brady

energy and volume - 2/3/25

the grammy awards happened last night.
i'm not an incredibly devoted awards-show person myself, but our family gets some enjoyment out of them here and there. my sisters and i made some mini ballots predicting the recipients of some of the night's bigger awards (i was correct in predicting beyoncé's album "cowboy carter" would win album of the year, but that was about it. none of us remotely expected kendrick lamar's "not like us" to sweep best song + best record like it did, but i'd rather be surprised than bored. i am bummed that billie eilish didn't win anything, but i know she has enough grammy's for a lifetime.
2024 was a really incredible year for music, and i am actually happy that i hadn't yet listened to all of it (remember- it gives me something to look forward to). nearly every single one of my favorite musical artists released new albums:- coldplay released "moon music"
- billie eilish released "hit me hard and soft"
- tyler, the creator released "chromakopia"
- magdalena bay released "imaginal disk"
- julie released "my anti-aircraft friend"
- joey valence & brae released "no hands"
- flying lotus released "spirit box"
- shofu released "pokémon cypher 2024"
- yot club released "rufus"
- doja cat released "scarlet 2: claude"
- starbomb released "starbomb boom: rise of lyrics", which i have yet to listen to (oops (the singles were incredible though))
2024 was also home to plenty of new discoveries:
- my life has eternally changed now that i've found julie and their debut album "my anti-aircraft friend".
- doechii trailblazed into autumn with her bold and groovy album "alligator bites never heal", and won an incredibly well-deserved grammy for rap album of the year, beating out artists like eminem and future+metro boomin (which i found cathartic).
- my sister shared her obsession with the band wallows, and their new album "model".
truly an incredible year to hear.and i am happy to say that i am still learning and discovering. as we watched the grammy's, i lamented missing the boat on the "brat summer" trend, as i still hadn't listened to the album ("brat" by charli xcx)...
i finally have.
holy fuck it's incredible.
i'm going to stay delusional and consider it brat winter. cause i am not putting this album down anytime soon. i am obsessed with its energy- it is precisely what i want to carry through 2025. on first listen, the standout tracks to me are easily "von dutch" and "b2b", but not a single track was anywhere near a miss.
as is always the case with me and music, i got a lot of inspiration from last night. since so many of my favorites released music last year, it is very likely i won't hear from many of them this year. thankfully, i can fill the void with the lifetimes of music i've yet to listen to. brat, to me, is the face of this new effort. i want to learn and explore and discover as much as i possibly can. i want it to be loud and memorable and busy and colorful and messy and insane and unforgettable. and really, i think that falls in line with the album's energy/themes quite well. i want 2025 to be its own kind of party. i want to be loud and memorable and busy and colorful and and messy and insane and unforgettable. i want to work hard and i want to make an impression.
i wanna get into trouble.
i just need someone to witness it.
i know exactly who.
we'll see how that goes.
wish me luck.
- brady


rebirth and redirection - 2/3/25

january has ended.
i think i'd usually be frustrated by this- after all, i haven't immediately met all my goals- that surely means the rest of the year is a bust, right?
but i actually feel better now than i ever have before. i think part of this is due to a shift in perspective on the yearly cycle- a wise idea shared with me by my mother.january (and new years in general), puts a lot of pressure on people. after a few months of holiday craziness, you are immediately faced with 365 days' worth of expectations. that hardly seems fair, especially since january tends to be a particularly dreary time of year- the sun setting at 4pm is always especially painful. the world isn't exactly in much of a state to support energetically pursuing your goals.if anything, it makes more sense to view springtime as the start of the year. after all, it is the time in the seasonal cycle where things grow back and nature returns to its prime.rebirth.so, rather than set a year's worth of expectations on yourself on january 1st, why not use the dreary start to the year as a planning stage? take january- and some of february (as much as you need, really)- to mull things over and ask yourselves the questions we usually force ourselves to answer last-minute on december 31st. what do you want from this year? which direction would you like to head towards? who would you like to be? what would you like to do? etc. etc. this takes the pressure off starting at your highest capacity from the get-go, when the odds are stacked against you. it's more of a relaxed, strategic view.now that january has ended, i can say for sure that i think this idea has made the past thirty-something days a lot more enjoyable. i wasn't entirely lazy- i made a good amount of art for the time, and i did a lot of thinking and planning. now i have a better idea of where i want to go, and what projects i want to make. i feel more prepared. in the knick of time, too- the days are getting a little longer, bit by bit. i know life is a marathon, not a sprint, so i'll try to keep managing my pace. but now that i've had time to plan, i'm very excited to get moving.~the channel 7 pilot was the best thing that could have happened to me at this stage in my journey. that sounds like hyperbole, but it is precisely what i needed. i had been frustrated for what felt like years over the idea that i had hardly any creative projects under my belt. i had tons of ideas which i pondered over and developed constantly, but aside from plenty of unfocused drawing (which is a form of creative expression i hold up with utmost importance), i hardly had any substantial instances of creative expression. i wanted to make and finish the ideas i had. i wanted to see something go somewhere. last semester was a test that would challenge me with this exact thing. i had four months to come up with and execute two animated projects. did either end up exactly how i planned? no, of course they didn't. aside from a fruitful planning stage in september, i spent much of october and especially november doing absolutely nothing productive (in regards to these projects). the channel 7 pilot and the brainstew short were the result of a last-minute two-week mad dash to not disappoint my professors, my parents, and myself. thankfully, that effort resulted in the exact thing i had longed for as an artist: i finally had a finished project. something i could go up to somebody with and go "hey, check out this thing i made!" i know i could do this with my drawings, but they only ever hold people's attention for mere moments. an animation, however, demands more of your time and attention. i could simply draw all of the channel 7 characters on a piece of paper and amuse people for a fleeting moment. alternatively, i could make a three-minute short film combining my animation, writing, voice-acting, and editing efforts. it was the most significant reception i have ever gotten to a piece of work by an infinite margin. family and friends were laughing. i had made their day better than it'd have otherwise been.
it reconfirmed to me that i am doing what i am meant to do.
~i have more i want to say about what is inspiring and energizing me right at this given moment, but i am leaning more towards writing a second entry regarding these things.i hope you had a strategic january.i will see you in a moment
- brady

i don't know - 1/25/25

i don't know when the turning point was in which i became comfortable with not knowing something. i remember when i used to feel threatened by that idea. i used to feel this urge to clarify to the room that i knew something. but what difference would it make if the people around me knew whether or not i knew x or y? what was so important about that?i suppose asking those questions was the first step in moving on from that mindset. cause i'd hate to be the kind of person that pumps the brakes on your exciting discovery just because i already knew what you were talking about.wouldn't life be a lot more exciting if you just let people talk?i honestly find my lack of knowledge to be more of a source of excitement now. did you know there's coldplay songs i still haven't heard? they're right there, waiting for me, but i haven't listened to them yet. that applies to all my favorite artists. there's plenty of movies and television shows i've yet to watch, too, even though i know i'll love them. it's not really a conscious decision i make, and it's how i've gotten myself a small reputation for being slow to watching things. but i like the idea of having something like that to look forward to. you're telling me there's still music i've yet to hear from my favorite band?? isn't that such an exciting prospect?i used to be in such a rush to wrap my head around every aspect of something i was interested in. i found this most especially with video games- the learning process of a game's mechanics or its lore always fascinated me. but i eventually found that knowing everything about something is kind of a boring summit to climb up to. you find yourself asking "what now?" it's rather anti-climactic, and you don't get any sort of meaningful reward for knowing everything. i'd prefer to learn things at my own pace, now. it's a leisurely one, and it sometimes throws me way off the pace of pop culture (i didn't start listening to kanye west- a pop culture titan- until i got to college. and i've only listened to less than half of his discography in the time since).it's not like i haven't got a strong appetite for knowledge- i do- but i suppose i don't devote myself to seeking it out anymore. part of that might be due to becoming interested in so many more things now than i used to be. when i was a kid, i didn't particularly care about music, movies, television, books, or even the world around me- i was pretty content with obsessing over video games. and i still am incredibly interested, but i've found myself more fascinated with a larger idea:i adore the idea that there's more stuff in the world than we'll ever be able to discover in our lifetime. you'll never get to listen to all the music, play all the games, watch all the movies, read all the books, see all the sights. i hope that idea doesn't trouble you too much- because i find it rather exhilarating. it means you'll be able to experience the excitement of discovery for the rest of your fucking life. it doesn't matter if you discover things at a leisurely pace or a voracious one- it's an infinite task.art is infinite.
i can't think of a better world to live in.
i started thinking about this today as i pondered all of the amazing music that released last year. almost every single one of my favorite artists released something new last year. as a result, my "favorite album of 2024" ended up being a three-way tie. of course, billie eilish's "hit me hard and soft" and tyler the creator's "chromakopia" were no-brainers, but the third member of the tie was rather unexpected- it was "my anti-aircraft friend"- the debut album of a band i had never heard of named julie.what an exhilarating discovery.i of course enjoyed the album tremendously when i found it months ago, but i've had it looping again for the past couple days. the album's such a loud and messy yet moody burst of energy that perfectly captures the sound i've been so deeply interested in. they paint the kind of picture i hope to paint myself. just tremendous and electric. there could be a relative amount of recency-bias creeping around, but i don't think i'm exaggerating when i say this is up-there for my all-time favorites.my favorite track right now is #8- "ill cook my own meals." i could say what i'm about to say about any of the ten tracks, but this was the one i latched onto the hardest. it's got this perfect mix of the quiet+moody and the loud+electric. the lyrics are simple, yet seem to find the perfect words to evoke the complex emotions their sound rips out of you. the thing that stands out the most to me about julie is the two singers- one female voice and one male voice. the whole album acts as this fascinating sort of duet that i've never heard before. she takes the lead and even solos on some tracks, as he does on his. but when the two voices come together, they paint exactly the kind of picture i want to see. rather than one single voice sing out into the void- out to the listener- we instead hear two voices sing out to each other. they music has this flavor of pessimism to it that i find infectious. this isn't some kind of traditional duet laced with romance. no, the voices almost seem to criticize each other. not in fits of rage, but small, bitter words. they aren't just jabs, however. it's like they're chipping away at each other, even though they know it won't get them anywhere. i don't know, i'm a little obsessed with the characters this album has built up in my head. there's something hopeless about their story that captivates me fully.the album sounds gritty and filthy, but intimate and raw.
right now, i cannot recommend an album more.
thx for listening to me.until next time
- brady

hello - 1/21/25

i finally begun a site (as of last night). i'm wanting to make this some kind of hub/landing page for myself.
i know with the social media landscape growing increasingly chaotic, it's becoming a wiser decision to cultivate your own digital space.these days, i'm drawing a lot of nostalgia from memories of what the internet was like 10-15+ years ago. of course, this was when i was a lot younger, but i remember its energy with clarity. it felt like a space ripe for discovery, creativity, and rebellion. to kid-me, it was the most punk-rock shit i'd ever seen. it was the kind of cool that you'd get jealous of as a little kid, back when teenagers seemed like badasses.i don't believe that kind of magic has to be lost just because you grow older. these days, the internet feels soulless and commercialized. that's why i'm always so fucking jazzed when i find glimpses of that "old-internet" energy. that culture is pretty far from the forefront of today's internet, but it's not gone; you'll still hear it in certain songs and voices, and you'll see it in the right combinations of color.i've grown incredibly fond of clunkiness and messiness in my day-to-day life. i think messiness is at the core of art and its expression, and soulless movements like the rise of generative ai are trying to push that sincerity away through their overabundance of clutter. platforms that were once built for community are being overrun by hatred and bots. that's why it's more important than ever that we dig our heels and carve out our own spaces.
when something is messy and clunky- when something is imperfect- then it is human. so i'll lug around my shitty crt television and draw on my hands. i'll wear my sunglasses indoors, and i'll put post-it notes everywhere. i'll let my stream of consciousness roll and go where the music takes me- because it's authentic.
i want to keep making messes, because that's what art is to me. that's what life is about.please, start making some messes for me. i want to go somewhere far away that i've never been before, and when i get there, i want to know that you've been there too- that you've left your mark somehow.
and i'll leave you mine.
until next time
- brady
